Sea Ranch Turkey Trot
A member of our small community organized an “unofficial” 5K Turkey Trot event that started at 8:30am on Thanksgiving Day. A number of our family members decided to get some exercise before a day of eating! My 87-year-old mom stayed home and watched the Thanksgiving Parade on TV.
Approximately 37 people showed up at the starting line – runners, joggers, and walkers!
Our son, Will and his girlfriend, Sarah are serious runners so they stretched out with bands before the event.
My sister, Julie, my husband, David, and I all decided that walking was more our style.
Along the 3-mile course we discovered a Turkey Man helping to direct traffic so of course my sister, Julie and I needed to have our photo taken with him!
Here are the top three running finishers. Nate (center) took 1st place, person from LA took 2nd place, and our son, Will (person of left) came in 3rd. Sarah (not in photo) came in 4th. They had a wonderful time.
Great Thanksgiving Day Memories! I trust you had a wonderful day with family and friends!
Happy Stamping!